Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Chilean schools start early. Really early. Like 7:45 a.m. early. Thus meaning I have to leave my house at 7:00 a.m. to make it there on time. But being the sleep lover that I am, I have had a tendency to leave my house at the very last moment possible while still making it on time. The consequence: running instead of walking. Many mornings I have left my apartment in the dead of dark on a full out sprint. Im sure its quite a sight for the few people up and out at this hour, imagine it, a tall white gringa running through the pitch black streets with a big backpack, a thermal full of tea and usually some sort of project in hand. haha. I proabably have given quite a few people a good scare. Anyway, it just so happens that along the sidewalk I use, there is a crack (well there are many many cracks due to all the earthquakes that occure in this area, but one in particular), only about an inch step up but for some reason I can't seem to pass by it without tripping. Running and tripping together make for one hard fall. The first I fell, I was annoyed with my self, the second time I tripped over the same exact crack and fell I was mad (especially because the bread I was holding fell butter side down!) But the third time I tripped on the exact same crack in the cement I just felt defeated. I ripped my dress pants, my thermals and through my skin too! No more running to work for me. I vow to wake up 2 mins earlier from now on.


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