Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Idaho Moments

Every time I visit my nephews and niece in Idaho I always have funny moments to come home with. Here the goofy snapshots from the last 2 trips.

Sophie  (age 4) "Kate I memorized a scripture, John 3:16: For God forgot the world that....." I was rolling on the floor, hahaha, she couldn't even finish.

Sophie: We were looking at a pciture of a frumpy fat old librarian with thick glasses and a short boy haircut and she turns to me and says "Hey Kate its you" dead serious. haha. Good to know what impression I leave on her.

Sophie: We're making dinner one night and she turns to her mom all of the sudden and asks "Mom, What color do you think my wedding dress will be?"

Sophie: We were watching a movie and a couple kissed and she turns to me and says "Kate, you need to find one of those" all matter of factly. ha. She's so right. If only you "found" that sort of thing.

Tanner (age 10) "My friend has to brush his teeth every day or they turn yellow!! His mom makes him brush everyday, can you believe it" [How boring] haha. To add more... I looked over and his teeth were bright yellow. haha.

They crack me up, especially Sophie. Oh how I love to be around them....



ahhahaahhahaha. our niece & nephews are so funny. i'm so happy you kept track of the silly things they said so that even though i wasn't there i can laugh too.

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