Sunday, June 29, 2014

Harvesting Life

Content for this post has been swimming around and around in my head for weeks now. I hope writing will give my thoughts more cohesiveness and structure.

To give some background to my thoughts, I want to share a bit about my short life. I write this as a 26 year old struggling entrepreneur and volunteer. Im not working in the field I graduated in and have had 2 professions unrelated to my university degree since my graduation from the university. 

In my naïve head, I envisioned graduation from the university seamlessly melding into an international career, a family and ‘Saving the World’. Come to find out, that’s not how it works, not for anybody! I have just finished reading a Business/ Personal Development book titled “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olsen. He adequately states “Success does not happen in a sudden quantum leap. There are no quantum leaps in life.”


I wanted the harvest. Or I wanted the planting, harvesting, and cultivating without struggles, confusion, anxiety, course change, and dead ends. That not how the harvest works though. Some of your planted seeds will die, some will struggle for survival the whole season. Some seeds you plant will be nourished and flourish. BUT If you don’t plant any seeds, you will have nothing to reap. Unfortunately the growing season rarely is seamless too. It comes with droughts, floods, broken hoes and equipment, long, hot, sweaty days of pulling out the “weeds” that pop up trying to suck the nutrients away from your seeds. The harvest of a bountiful reaping never can come from a quantum leap. Its comes from daily tending to your seeds. A successful harvest comes from daily water, daily sun, daily weeding, and nightly rest. Even then, some harvests will still fail altogether, and all you have to show is your care, your work, your diligence and what was cultivated inside of YOU, you the gardener.

I have had to plant the ‘seeds’ of a few different ‘crops’, most of which bystanding eyes would call ‘failed crops’, for the only harvest to show for is the harvest of change within me.    

Whether it be in your formal careers, your relationships, your health and wellness, your spirituality, or other interests. This same principle applies. You can’t get away from being the gardener of your own destiny. So plant the seeds. Start. Yes, some, many, or most  of the crops you plant will fail. But look at stats, the gardener who plants and tends to and harvests more, in the long run, reaps more.